Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Liebster Award!

I've got at least two post swirling around in my head, but finding the time to post during a new product roll-out at work has been a struggle. Next Monday my Chick-fil-A is getting our new THR!VE Farmers coffee and Iced coffee. My brain is on iced coffee overload all the time lately, and I even have dreams about it! I need to detox! ha! I wanted to catch up on reading a few blogs this morning and I noticed that my sweet friend Mary nominated me for a blog award! Thanks, Mary!! I love that Mary and I were college roommates, and are now blog friends! If only the two of us had thought to blog back then. Y'all would have had a lot of great stories from the two us! Ha!
1. Post 11 random facts about yourself. 
2. Answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you. 
3. Nominate other bloggers. 

Facts about me: 
I am a Marketing Director for a local Chick-fil-A. 
I absolutely love my job!
I am in the early stages of starting a social media business on the side. 
I am an aunt to the most wonderful niece and nephews. 
I love Target.
I love to laugh. 
I now sell Premier Designs Jewelry. 
I have a koozie addiction. 
I love monogrammed things. 
I love Braves baseball and Georgia football 
I am very indecisive.

Questions from Mary: 
Favorite color?
- Green 

Why do you blog?
- I like documenting life and I love words. I enjoy being able to go back and read old post I've written and laugh like it's the first time I've ever heard the story. 

Favorite Iphone App?
-hmm, that's tough. Probably a tie between Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram.

What is the last thing you do before going to bed at night?
-plug my phone into the charger 

Favorite book?
-Anything by Karen Kingsbury, A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet, and Redeeming Love 

How did you get the title of your blog?
-Well, it's basically me. It just fit so well together. 

What's your favorite vacation spot?
-The mountains! Give me a cabin in the mountains with a cozy fireplace and I'll be set! 

Favorite thing about home?
-Small town. I love that Thomson is Small Town USA. 

If you could trade places with anyone for a day who would it be?
-hmm, I honestly don't know. 

What is your favorite funny YouTube video?
-Ha! I have a few, but I'll pick this gem by the hilarious John Crist. Gets me every time. 

Favorite blog to follow?
-Well, I can't pick just one can I?! I have too many I love! 

I nominate: 

Sufficient Grace 
Katy Goes Boom 
Party of One
And So I Did
Questions for nominated bloggers: 
How long have you been blogging? 
What's your favorite post to date? 
Does anyone IRL know that you blog? 
What's your favorite thing to cook? 
Are you a night owl or a early bird? 
How long does it usually take you to get ready in the mornings? 
Iphone or Android? 
All-time favorite movie? 
Favorite music genre? 
What's your favorite accessory? 
What do you love to do in your down time? 
Thanks again for nominating me, Mary! I had such fun with this! 
Happy Wednesday! 

1 comment:

Mary Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness! Our stories from when we were roommates would have been absolutely hilarious! Darn it! Why oh why didn't we blog then!