Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New Adventures.

For a while now, I've pushed aside the overwhelming sense that God is calling me to "step out of the boat." I heard that exact message preached at a revival service three years ago and I knew that night that God wanted more from me. I could do more. I needed to do more. Instead, I've let stubbornness rule. I wasn't receptive to it. I was comfortable. Oh, so very comfortable. I didn't need to do more I thought.
But the reality is quite the polar opposite. God wants me to be uncomfortable.
Why? Because He's still working on me.

To grow.
To trust.
To learn.
To make mistakes.

I'm nowhere near close to what I ought to be, but Praise the Lord, He's not finished with me yet.

Last Friday, I finally took a gigantic step of faith out of the boat and said YES to a fabulous job opportunity. For weeks I prayed and sought advice and tried my best to figure out what exactly I should do. Now is probably the worst possible time I could leave C&C. Even without me leaving, we're shorthanded and vacations for everyone are quickly approaching. 

C&C Automotive has been my "home" off and on since 2009. I quit twice, and each time they were gracious enough to take me back.

It's familiar.
It's safe.
It's comfortable.

I know the ins and outs.
I know how to do my job well.
I know and like my co-workers. Most days, anyway. 

I'm the smiling face behind the counter that customers remember by "always wearing the best jewelry."
I'm the helping hand that floats around the shop to fill any position that's needed.
(aside from mechanic, obviously) 
I'm the go-to-girl for anything my boss needs.

Yes, C&C has become my like a second family to me.
Of course, like with any job, there's bad that comes right along with all the good, but the good obviously outweighs the bad since I've crawled back three times. 

Last Tuesday night I met with my new (future) boss. He offered me the position and gave me a week to pray and think about it and give him an answer. On the drive home, I called several of my most sound minded friends and talked with them over my pros and cons. I spent time in prayer and talked with more people during the days leading up to Friday. I was a nervous wreck all week over the unknown, but I still had a sense of peace knowing this was the right decision. During my lunch break on Friday, I called and accepted the position as Restaurant Marketing/Social Media director for a local Chick-fil-a.

My heart was all but beating out of my chest the entire time I talked!
This is my passion.
This is where my heart is.
This is what I was created to do.

There is a list a mile long of uncertainties, but I know that God has something special in store for this. His timing is always perfect. And I'm done freaking out. 
It's time to trust.
It's time to learn.
It's time to grow.

It's time to let God work in and through me. 

Now. If someone could just help me remember to say "My Pleasure!"

Happy Wednesday! 


Song of Joy said...

I love you, & I love this post! Especially that last line. I'm so excited to hear about your new adventures!

Mary Elizabeth said...

I am crying sweet tears for you right now! That sounds like the absolute PERFECT job for you! I know how much you love the social media aspects of your job and how amazing to get to do that for such a fantastic company! I am beyond thrilled for you!
P.S. Don't forget, "My Pleasure!"

Anonymous said...

Best of luck, AK!