Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Girl Behind the Blog

Yesterday the lovely Ricci did a "The Girl Behind the Blog" post and I love it..and the fabulous graphic she created, so I thought I'd copy her today! Here's a little bit about this girl behind the blog: 

I am as indecisive as they come. Most days, I can't even decide what I want to eat.

I am ridiculous rough on cell phones. The screen on my current phone only half works because the top part is cracked. I'm equally as rough on vehicles.

I know that diet coke is horrible for me, yet I can't put it down. I'm most certain that there's going to be a fountain ever flowing with Diet Coke with Lime by my mansion in Heaven. And that diet coke won't have aspartame to fry my brain cells. {can I get an hallelujah?!}

Biscuits and gravy is my absolute favorite breakfast food.

I have a strong like for all things blueberry.

I hate telling people what my name is because they never understand me. I've had people say Olga, Colbra, Andre, Audrey, and the list goes on.

I absolutely hate repeating myself. And I have to repeat myself all.the.time. because people think I talk too fast.

I wish I had known five years ago what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, but I didn't so I never finished college. I know now that my passion is social media and marketing. I'm slowly chasing after that dream with the help of Jon Acuff and his amazing 30 Days of Hustle group.

I have the most adorable niece and nephews on the planet. You might think I'm biased, and well, you'd be right. I never get tired of hearing those sweet babies say "Kah Kah!" {yes, bless my heart..I'm Kah Kah}

I'm the baby of the family. {i'm the baby! gotta love me!}  I have two older sisters and there is 4 years difference between each of us.

I have a crazy big family and we claim even our most distant cousins. {my third cousins are some of my best friends}

I'm like my sweet friend Mary in that I can't cook. I mean, I COULD, but I don't ever try. Thank God for Pinterest.

I have a slight  koozie addiction. I currently have two in my purse, three in my car, seven at home, and five in my desk.

The only two sports I really care about are football and baseball. But, man do I love me some SEC football and Braves baseball!

Last, but not least, I love to laugh...obnoxiously. 

I hope you've learned something new about me today! 

Happy Tuesday! 



ricci said...

LOVE this!!! I'm with you on the name thing...so frustrating!! I also love biscuits and gravy for breakfast...YUM!!

Mary Gray said...

I love this! Biscuits and gravy are divine! And I too love a good fountain drink! As you know :)